Our journey
We began our cruise on September 11, 2022. Ruth and I arrived in Juneau, AK on September 9 and visited the Mendenhall Glacier on September 10 (which is why that is included in this itinerary).
Day 0 (September 10, 2022)
Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls. Here is a 360 degree view of the area.
Mendenhall Glacier overlook with Nugget Falls (on the right), Juneau, Alaska in early September, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We also took the tram up Mount Roberts. Here is a 360 degree view from near the summit.
Trail near the peak of Mount Roberts, Juneau, Alaska in early September. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 1 (September 11, 2022)
Departed Juneau, AK at 5 p.m. Here is a 360 degree view from the “sun deck.”
View above the “sun deck” of the ship Wilderness Discoverer as we began our voyage into Glacier Bay National Park on September 12, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 2 (September 12, 2022)
Transited Icy Strait on way to Glacier Bay National Park. All vessels visiting Glacier Bay must arrive by this body of water that connects the Inside Passage, Glacier Bay, and the Pacific Ocean. We visited numerous glaciers in Glacier Bay National Park. These included the Lamplugh Glacier (8 miles long), The Johns Hopkins Glacier (named after the school, not the man – OK, indirectly the man since the school is so named). and the Ferris Glacier. Here is a 360 degree view of the Lamplugh Glacier. The visible moraine was under ice a mere 6 years ago.
View of the Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park on September 12, 2022. The moraine we are standing upon was under glacial ice a mere 6 years ago. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 3 (September 13, 2022)
We went ashore in Glacier Bay National Park and did an “eco meander” where we walked through the tidal flat and adjacent forest. We examined a number of invertebrates (such as barnacles, limpets, butter clams, isopods, and ribbon worms).
Here is a 360 view of the tidal flat we visited.
Our second “eco meander” in Glacier Bay National Park. September 13, 2022. We explored the tidal flats and adjacent forest. Even encountered moose droppings near the shore. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 4 (September 14, 2022)
We traveled 140 miles overnight to Big Bear/ Baby Bear State Marine Park at Baranof Island. These are known as the A, B, C Islands (Admiralty Island, Baranof Island, and Chichagof Island in the northern part of the Alexander Archipelago. This is all part of the Tongass National Forest. Here is a 360 degree view as we entered the forest that day.
Our “eco meander” group as we entered the forest at Big Bear/ Baby Bear State Marine Park by following a creek upstream. September 14, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We also examined many of the invertebrates along the tidal flats at this park during our “eco meander.” Here is a 360 degree view of the area.
Our “eco meander” along the tidal flats at Big Bear/ Baby Bear State Marine Park, Alaska. September 14, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We took a skiff tour of the marine park also. Here is a 360 degree view as we navigated the channels. The patches of brown in the water are bull kelp.
We took a skiff tour of Big Bear/ Baby Bear State Marine Park, Alaska, as well. The patches of brown in the water are bull kelp. September 14, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 5 (September 15, 2022)
We visited Sitka, AK. This is where Russia transferred ownership of Alaska to the United States in 1867. Note: Russia needed money after the Crimean War and first approached the U.S. in 1857. It took a while for the transaction as the Civil War interfered.
Before we toured the city, we visited the “Fortress of the Bear” (a bear rescue center) and the Alaska Raptor Center.
Here is a 360 degree view from the spot where the transfer was completed in 1867 (Baranof Castle). The building burned down many years ago and is now a grassy knoll.
Visited Sitka, Alaska on September 15, 2022. At this spot (Baranof Castle), Russia transferred Alaska to the U.S. in 1867. After the transfer was completed, the Russians walked to their ships and did not return. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We toured the city and examined many shops during our stroll. Here is a view of the iconic Russian Orthodox church in Sitka, Alaska.
We strolled the streets of Sitka, Alaska on September 15, 2022. Had to take a photo of this iconic Russian Orthodox church. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 6 (September 16, 2022)
We transited Peril Strait and stopped in Kasnyku Bay (on Baranof Island) in the morning and visited the Hidden Falls Hatchery. Here is a 360 degree view of the hatchery. Note the 24 brown bears feeding on salmon in the outflow from the hatchery pond. Yes, we were that close.
During our tour of Se Alaska, we stopped at the Hidden Falls Hatchery in Kasnyku Bay (on Baranof Island). Salmon are navigating up the outflow from the pond. Zoom in and note the 24 brown bears feeding. Yes, we were that close. #SEAK22WD – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
In the afternoon, we visited Takatz Bay. Ruth and I took a mini-bush whack tour to a beaver pond. Here is a 360 degree view at the start of our “eco meander.”
Start of our “eco meander” at Takatz Bay (Baranof Island) in SE Alaska on Sept. 16, 2022. Welcome to the Tongass National Forest. #SEAK22WD – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
This is what it is like to hike through the Tongass National Forest on Baranof Island in SE Alaska. We were likely using a bear trail.
This is what it is like to “bush whack” through the Tongass National Forest near Takatz Bay (Baranof Island). We are using a bear trail through the forest. Sept. 16, 2022. #SEAK22WD – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We followed the trail and discovered a pond. Likely the work of several generations of beavers. We are standing on the dam.
This is a pond we found along the “trail” near Takatz Bay (Baranof Island). Likely the work of multiple generations of beavers. We are standing on the dam. Sept. 16, 2022. #SEAK22WD – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 7 (September 17, 2022)
We visited Thomas Bay (northeast of Petersburg, Alaska). We followed the trail up Cascade Creek. The Baird Glacier drains into this bay. This is also known as the “Bay of Death” due to a massive landslide in 1750.
Here is a 360 degree view as we started our “eco meander” that morning. This is where our skiff dropped us (near the start of the trail).
Start of our “eco meander” at Thomas Bay (northeast of Petersburg, Alaska). One of the few places with an actual trail. September 17, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We walked along the trail (near Cascade Creek). The trail was easy to navigate. I was impressed with the amount of work it must have taken to create the original trail (and maintain it each season). Here is a 360 degre view with Cascade Creek in the background.
We walked along the trail (following Cascade Creek). Thomas Bay (northeast of Petersburg, Alaska). September 17, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Here is a 360 degree view of our “eco meander” group (lead by Jess). Yes, I am also in the photo, you just have to move the picture.
Our “eco meander” group lead by Jess at Cascade Creek Falls. Thomas Bay (northeast of Petersburg, Alaska). September 17, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We crossed this sturdy bridge over Cascade Creek as we continued up the trail.
There is even a sturdy bridge over Cascade Creek as you walk along the trail. Thomas Bay (northeast of Petersburg, Alaska) area in the Tongass National Forest. September 17, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Here is one more view of the trail along Cascade Creek near Thomas Bay. Yes, the Tongass National Forest is a rain forest.
Another view along the trail following Cascade Creek near Thomas Bay (northeast of Petersburg, Alaska). September 17, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 8 (September 18, 2022)
We explored Traitors Cove near Ketchiklan, Alaska. Here is a 360 degree view near the start of our “eco meander.”
Another start of an “eco meander” at Traitors Cove (NE of Behm Canal) near Ketchikan, AK. September 18, 2022. #SEAK22WD This cove was named by Captain Vancouver (Royal Navy) in 1793. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
We stopped briefly in Ketchikan and visited the city (most of the shops were closed by the the time we arrived).
Day 9 (September 19, 2022)
We visited Misty Fjords National Monument and spent time near Owl Pass within God’s Pocket. Here is a 360 degree view I took while we were on a skiff tour of the National Monument.
This photo was taken while on our “skiff tour” of Misty Fjords National Monument, AK. Water is cascading down a formation of banded gneiss. Photo taken on September 19, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
After we departed, we passed New Eddystone Rock (Behm Canal) roughly 40 miles east of Ketchikan. This is a pillar of basalt thought to be the remnant of a volcano.
Day 10 (September 20, 2022)
We transited Canada’s Inside Passage for 2 days. Although unable to stop on land, we passed the ghost town of Butedale on Princess Royal Island. We saw Butedale Falls and searched for the “spirit bear.” This is a subspecies of the American black bear. Although I did not take a 360 degree photo, here is what Butedale Falls look like from our ship.

Butedale Falls viewed from Wilderness Discoverer
Day 11 (September 21, 2022)
We continued along Canada’s Inside Passage throughout the day. We took advantage of our time on the ship with a tour of the engine room. Yes, it is as cramped as it looks. Not an ideal spot for someone with my height.

Engine room of Wilderness Discoverer
Day 12 (September 22, 2022)
We celebrated the Fall Equinox by visiting Sucia Island in the San Juan Islands in the state of Washington. On Sucia Island, we took the trail to Lawson Bluffs and examined China Caves as well. Here is a 360 degree view of while walking along one of the trails.
Taken during our “eco meander” on September 22, 2022 at Sucia Island, Washington. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
I thought it appropriate to include a final group photo of our last “eco meander.” We had a great time exploring Sucia Island.
Members of our “eco meander” group at Sucia Island, Washington on September 22, 2022. #SEAK22WD #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Day 13 (September 23, 2022)
We departed the Wilderness Discoverer in Seattle mid-morning and explored the city before departing for home. Before we left, we visited the Amazon Domes. Unfortunately, they were closed for maintenance until Sept. 30.

Amazon Domes in Seattle